Today's menu consisted of a pre-game ritual favorite of mine, toast with peanut butter and homemade raspberry/peach jelly (thanks Mom!). On the side was an assortment of vitamins, supplements, and the third and final 1,000MG dosage of steroids (no, I did not skip the injection--just disposed of the needle before getting the picture in, and wasn't about to dig in a Sharps bucket of exposed needles for the sake of the photograph).
As day three winds to a close, I have yet to experience any of the dreaded side effects (with the exception of the icky--but certainly tolerable--taste in my mouth). I have been sleeping great at night, no weirdness during the day (other than the hunger thing, but that's not SO weird, right?), no euphoria/hyperactivity/and/or irritability.
On the flip side, I have also not seen a huge difference in my symptoms. I was feeling pretty good today for awhile, but upon getting back on the field for a soccer game (which quickly turned into two games--yes, I am doing my best to stay active and not look like a bumbling idiot while doing it), I was knocked right back to the world of dizzy. However, it does feel like I am making steps in the right direction. No motion sickness meds have been required for the past 3 days (not even for games--which is significant), and the dizziness is less constant. I have also been energized and invigorated for my routine outings and soccer games. These are welcome indicators that I am either on the mend, or at the very least finding better ways to manage my symptoms. Whatever the case, it has been wonderful taking baby steps back toward that elusive "normalcy" I keep referring to.
The next road bump in the journey is the much anticipated post-steroidal "crash." DSO informed me that as the high-dose regimen leaves my system, I'll have some "withdrawal" symptoms, which he described as similar to a hangover of sorts. Hopefully these symptoms are as mild as the side-effects, and are short lived. I have some relatively big meetings this week, and I'm hoping to be feeling fantastic for them. Or at least pretty darned good.
Note: Sending a great big congratulatory shout-out to j-dogg in Jersey. Sending giant hugs across the innerwebs. It was great catching up with you today :)
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